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The United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary and its Supplements become official six months after being released to the public. The USP–NF, which is released on November 1 of each year, becomes official on May 1 of the following year.
This change was adopted to give users more time to bring their methods and procedures into compliance with new and revised USP–NF requirements.The table below describes the new official dates. The 2008 USP31–NF26, and the Supplements and Interim Revision Announcements (IRAs) to that edition, will be official until May 1, 2009, at which time the USP32–NF27 becomes official.
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The aim of Martindale is to provide healthcare professionals with unbiased evaluated information on drugs and medicines used throughout the world. It therefore has to develop as the body of knowledge on existing drugs grows, new drugs emerge, new preparations are launched, and old preparations are abandoned, reformulated, or redefined. It also has to reflect the changing needs of those practising pharmacy and medicine. We try to ensure that each new edition continues to meet all these needs.

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Pencampuran obat suntik dan penanganan sediaan sitostatika seharusnya dilakukan oleh apoteker di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit, tetapi kenyataannya sebagian besar masih dilaksanakan oleh tenaga kesehatan lain dengan sarana dan pengetahuan yang sangat terbatas, sedangkan pekerjaan kefarmasian tersebut memerlukan teknik khusus dengan latarbelakang pengetahuan antara lain sterilitas,
sifat fisikokimia dan stabilitas obat, ketidaktercampuran obat serta risiko bahaya pemaparan obat.Selain hal tersebut diperlukan juga sarana dan prasarana khusus yang menunjang pekerjaan hingga tujuan sterilitas, stabilitas dan ketercampuran obat dapat tercapai. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas Direktorat Bina Farmasi Komunitas dan Klinik menyusun Pedoman Pencampuran Obat Suntik dan Penanganan Sediaan Sitostatika untuk dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi apoteker dalam melakukan pencampuran obat suntik dan penanganan sediaan sitostatika di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit

to survey and hard to understand. This is true not only for the student in search of a logical systemfor dealing with the wealth of available drugs, but also for the practicing clinician in immediate need of independent information.Clearly, a pocket atlas can provide only a basic framework. Comprehensive knowledge has to be gained frommajor textbooks. As is evident from the drug lists included in the Appendix, some 600 drugs are covered in the present Atlas. This number should be suf cient for everyday medical practice and could be interpreted as a Model List. The advances in pharmacotherapy made in recent years have required us to incorporate new plates and text passages, and to expunge obsolete approaches. Several plates needed to be brought in line with new knowledge. click here for download (Source:PHARMATEXT.ORG)
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